These are also accessible on easy hotkeys, as with any software, they are usually Cmd or Ctrl X, C, and V. You can do this with audio to by selecting part of the audio and then using the Cut, Copy, or Paste functions in the Edit menu of Audition.
If you’ve ever used a word processor or graphics software I’m sure you’ll be familiar with cut, copy, and paste. You may re-record any section of audio you like by simply selecting anywhere in the waveform and repeating the record process. You can then play back any section of your audio by selecting a part of the waveform and then hitting spacebar or the play icon in the bottom row. Start recording and then when you’re done you can hit spacebar or the stop button in the bottom row of icons.

Give the file a title and then hit the record button along the bottom (a red circle icon). If you’re a complete newbie you’ll want to start by loading the software for the first time and then clicking File > New > Audio File… from the menu bar. Let me assume, in this section, that you’ve never used Adobe Audition before. You’ll often hear podcasters that start out using free software solutions, such as Audacity, but a switch to Audition will improve your workflow and save you time. I’ve used Audition for a couple of decades (even since it was known as Cool Edit Pro) and can say there is no better software in terms of user interface, ease of use, and speed. Adobe Audition is, without doubt, a podcaster’s best friend when it comes to recording and post processing your podcast.